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Ein Hysgol / Our School

Ein Hysgol

Saif Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Curig mewn llecyn bendigedig a chanddi olygfa ardderchog ar hyd Môr yr Hafren yng nghanol tre'r Barri.

Mae gennym gymysgedd o feysydd gwyrdd a lleiniau caled sydd yn cyfrannu at y profiadau gwych mae'r disgyblion yn eu derbyn. Mae'r prif faes gwyrdd yn le ardderchog i blant chwarae'n rhydd yn ogystal â lle i gynnal gwersi rygbi, pêldroed, criced a mwy.

Defnyddir y maes caled ar gyfer nifer o weithgareddau megis gwersi hoci, pêlrwyd yn ogystal â sesiynau drama awyr agored. Mae gan ein plant bach (3 i 5 oed) eu meysydd dysgu awyr agored hwy eu hunain. Defnyddir y meysydd hyn ar gyfer eu gwersi yn ogystal â rhoi cyfle i'n plant bach ddefnyddio'u dychymyg yn ystod sesiynau chwarae rhydd.

Mae gan yr ysgol erddi lle cynhelir clwb garddio'r ysgol. Mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle i'n plant dyfu blodau a llysiau a llunio ardaloedd deniadol ar gyfer eu gwersi awyr agored.

Our School

Ysgol Gymraeg Sant Curig is situated in a lovely area, with incredible views of the Bristol Channel.  The school grounds are a mixture of large grassy areas, with a number of yards that contribute towards the pupils'excellent learning experiences.  The large lawned area that runs along the front of the school ensures that children have the opportunity to play freely but also to provide an area to host rugby, football, cricket, rounders and golf lessons.

The yarded areas are used for hockey, netball and open air drama lessons.  The younger pupils (3-5 years old) have their own yarded areas for ourdoor provision.  These yarded areas are used for lessons, as well as an area for them to develop their imaginations during free play.

We are very fortunate to have such a vast area surrounding the school.  Our wild garden is used to grow produce that we can later use in cooking lessons, it is also an area where children can take responsibility over certain areas. It also includes a tunnel, greenhouse and a pond where children can see all sorts of wildlife.